Contact Us

Three ways...

The best way to contact us is by email. We can't always answer the phone especially when on the job taking care of a client. Email allows us to quickly see who needs us and what they need (please be thorough). 

Fill out the following form to let us know how we can best serve you. Please, again, be thorough.

You can mail us at the following address... (Coming, we're setting up a PO Box for mail)

Feel free to call us. Just be aware most calls go to voicemail and it's more time consuming to pull voicemail messages which also leaves room for errors transcribing phone messages. This is another reason we prefer Email.

Phone number: 509-961-9166


The best way to contact us is by email. We can't always answer the phone especially when on the job taking care of a client. Email allows us to quickly see who needs us and what they need (please be thorough). 

Fill out the following form to let us know how we can best serve you. Please, again, be thorough.


You can mail us at the following address... (Coming, we're setting up a PO Box for mail)


Feel free to call us. Just be aware most calls go to voicemail and it's more time consuming to pull voicemail messages which also leaves room for errors transcribing phone messages. This is another reason we prefer Email.

Phone number: 509-961-9166